Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis of Platos the Allegory of the Cave

Eden Scharer Darrin Broadway English III-4 5th December, 2010 From Darkness to Sunlight: An Analysis of the Allegory of the Cave Imagine yourself sitting inside a dark, damp, cave where the only thing you can see are moving shadows on the cave wall in front of you. You can’t move anywhere or see anything besides the shadows, and these are the only things you’ve seen for your entire life, so these moving dark images are the most real things you’ve ever known. At some point in our childhood we were mentally in this state of darkness, we didn’t know anything about the world or have any complex thoughts. How then, were we brought out of our caves of darkness and misunderstanding? The Allegory of the Cave is a well known section of Plato’s†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"†¦human beings living in a underground cave, which has a mouth open towards the light and reaching all along the cave; here they have been from their childhood, and have their legs and necks chained so that they cannot move, and can only see before them, being prevented by the chains from turning round their heads. Above and behind them a fire is blazing at a distance, and between the fire and the prisoners there is a raised way; and you will see, if you look, a low wall built along the way, like the screen which marionette players have in front of them, over which they show the puppets.† (Plato) This entire passage is a dialogue between Socrates and Glaucon. Glaucon was the older brother of Plato, and Socrates was the teacher of Plato and Glaucon at his academy. This is a conversation that is fictional but the fact that it is a conversation between a teacher and his student shows that the teacher is trying to tell his student an analogous tale to teach him a lesson and that is the purpose behind the way the paragraph is written, but the exact lesson being taught by Socrates isn’t revealed until later in the passage. This is also the reason the diction in these paragraphs is so formal, because the teacher is giving a formal lesson and at the same time trying to spea k in terms his student will understand, and to engage thought in the mind of his student because he isShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Imperialism In George Orwells Shooting An Elephant1633 Words   |  7 Pagesclaim and experiences are very relatable today because as long as there are fathers and mothers and families, there are going to be those that re-live the past and create memories that last their families a lifetime, or perhaps even longer.    Process Analysis: Joan Didion, On Keeping a Notebook   Ã‚  Ã‚   In the selection On Keeping a Notebook, Joan Didion uses her experiences in day to day life as a writer in order to demonstrate the importance/methods of keeping a daily notebook. Didion appeals to her audience

Monday, December 16, 2019

A Condition Previously Known As Mental Retardation Education Essay Free Essays

Introduction Intellectual disablement ( ID ) , a status antecedently known as mental deceleration, is defined as a disablement characterized by important restrictions both in rational operation and in adaptative behaviour as expressed in conceptual, societal, and practical adaptive accomplishments and that the footing for the disablement has been present prior to age 18 ( AAIDD, 2002 ) . This status affects about 1 % of population ( Bello, Goharpey, Crewther A ; Crewther, 2008 ) , and has historically been defined as an intelligence quotient ( IQ ) mark of less than 70 ( Schalock A ; Luckasson, 2004 ) . In recent decennaries, the definition of ID has been revised, which now includes both a step of rational operation and an indicant of persons ‘ adaptative behaviour in their environment. We will write a custom essay sample on A Condition Previously Known As Mental Retardation Education Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Intelligence refers to individual ‘s overall mental ability or his/her capacity to ground, program, work out jobs, comprehend complex thoughts, and learn ( AAIDD, 2010 ) . The appraisal of rational operation is typically achieved through disposal of intelligence quotient ( IQ ) trial. Most IQ trials are structured in the manner that a mark of 100 is considered mean, with a standard divergence of 15 ( Hourcade, 2002 ) . In agreement to American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities ( AAIDD ) guideline, an rational degree that is considered to be within the scope of rational disablement if it is two or more standard divergences ( SDs ) below the mean ( AAIDD, 2002 ) . In other word, a degree of 70 IQ points or lower will be the cut-off point for ID when utilizing an IQ trial with a mean of 100 and a standard divergence ( SD ) of 15, which account for the lowest hiting 2 % of the normal population ( Flynn, 2000 ) . Adaptive behaviour refers to the aggregations of conceptual, societal, and practical accomplishments that people learn and perform in their mundane lives ( AAIDD, 2002 ) . Similar to the appraisal of rational operation, adaptative behaviour are assessed with instruments which requires detecting the person in state of affairss where these accomplishments are required, or questioning those who know the single well ( Hourcade, 2002 ) . In AAIDD web site, important restrictions in adaptative behaviour are operationally defined as public presentation that is at least two standard divergences below the mean of either ( a ) one of the undermentioned three types of adaptative behaviour: conceptual, societal, or practical, or ( B ) an overall mark on a standardised step of conceptual, societal, and practical accomplishments. In general, persons with ID possess some common features. Typically, persons with ID will larn and develop more easy than a typical individual because of their cognitive restrictions. More frequently, they present with specific it cognitive shortages such as damage in memory, attending, or comprehension of linguistic communication, which frequently result in their lupus erythematosus efficient larning abilities ( Hourcade, 2002 ; Van der Molen, Van Luit, Jongmans, A ; Van der Molen, 2007 ) . To certain extend, their slower processing, restricted memory or attending can besides associate to their lack in ego control and ordinance, ensuing in feelings that they are more inactive or disengaged from activity ( Linn, Goodman, A ; Lender, 2000 ) or and more distractible or unprompted than others ( Goodman A ; Linn, 2003 ) . Therefore, persons with ID frequently require different signifiers and grade of support in the procedure of larning and development. Identification/Diagnosis of ID The standards used for designation and diagnosing of ID have evolved from a long manner. Schalock and Luckasson ( 2004 ) sum up four attacks that have been used to place individuals with ID historically. In the early twenty-four hours, ID was ab initio identifies non establishing on rigorous standards, but on persons ‘ inability to accommodate to their societal environments. The rise of medical theoretical account nevertheless has changed the attack of placing ID. In term, the base of designation was shifted to the individual ‘s symptoms complex and clinical syndromes, with the focal point on the functions of physical causes and heredity. Later, with the rise of psychometric trials, the standard for designation and diagnosing of ID was once more shifted to individual ‘s rational operation. In term, steps obtained from IQ trials are used as ways to specify and sort persons with ID and their badness of ID. The concluding displacement in the standard was to an attack t hey named as ‘dual-criterion ‘ , where both cognitive operation and adaptative behaviours were included as standards of specifying ID. The dual-criterion attack was foremost introduced by AAIDD ( was so named as AAMR American Association on Mental Retardation ) in 1956 and has been adopted by other diagnostic systems such as the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health ( ICF ; World Health Organization ( WHO ) , 2001 ) , the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 4th ed. , text rpm ( DSM-IV-TR ; American Psychiatric Association, 2000 ) , and the other clinical guidelines used for prevailing definitions of rational disablements such as the International Classification of Diseases, and Related Health Problems 10th alteration ( ICD-10 ; WHO, 1992 ) ( Schalock A ; Luckasson, 2004 ) . The current dual-criterion attack of the categorization system besides present a paradigm displacement in the research and instruction pattern, where rational disablement is no longer be viewed as person-centered shortage, i.e. , feature of the persons. Rather, rational disablement is contextually determined and with appropriate supports, life operation of persons with rational disablement may better ( Schalock A ; Luckasson, 2004 ) . With that, the current AAIDD categorization system emphasizes the importance of contextual support and intercession to turn toing restrictions in the countries of rational and adaptative operation. The AAIDD categorization system is one of the most widely used diagnostic systems in the field of research and instruction designation ( Schalock A ; Luckasson, 2004 ) . The working definition of ID proposed by AAIDD composes of three key constituents which are besides normally acknowledged by DSM IV-TR and ICF ; 1 ) an IQ mark of less than 70 ; 2 ) an important shortage in adaptative map and 3 ) the oncoming of disablement prior to 18 old ages of age. Within this system, the three required steps for a diagnosing of ID include an IQ trials, adaptative behaviour graduated tables, and documented age of oncoming. Designation of ID in clinical scenes The term designation here refers to the procedure of appraisal and diagnosing which a formal diagnosing of ID can be arrived if standards are met. As mentioned above, internationally, clinical definitions of ID are normally based on established psychiatric diagnostic systems such as ICD-10, ICF and DSM-IV-TR. As noted by Salvador-Carulla and Bertelli ( 2008 ) , there is small variableness in the standards of the different psychiatric diagnostic systems. Besides turn toing on the age oncoming of the disablement, all these systems portion a common attack, Internet Explorer, the appraisal of the individual should be taken as a whole within the context of the individual ‘s rational capacities and adaptative operation in his environment. Nevertheless, minor differences are still present within some standard among the different diagnostic systems ( Salvador-Carulla A ; Bertelli, 2008 ) . For case, the cut-off point of the IQ degree ( AAMR: 70-75 ; DSM-IV-TR: 70 ; ICD-10: 69 ) that c lassify persons as holding marginal rational disablement varies among the three major diagnostic systems. Furthermore, the definition of adaptative accomplishments differs among these systems ( Colmar, Maxwell A ; Miller, 2006 ) . Designation of ID in educational scenes The designation of pupils with rational disablement within educational puting evolves parallelly with the alterations in the clinical diagnostic systems of this disablement ( Smith, 1997 ) . Internationally, this revised definition of ID by AAIDD has influenced the development of new categorization system in educational scene. In term, the categorization of ID has moved from a simplistic IQ-based categorization system to a more holistic attack, where a three-step attack is normally accepted as the criterion of categorization ID and explicating support. Ee, Tan and Lim ( 2004 ) sum up the stairss as follow ; 1 ) a formal appraisal of IQ and adaptative map ; 2 ) an analysis of persons in the four dimensions of rational operation and adaptative accomplishments, psychosocial and emotional consideration, physical wellness and etiology, and environmental consideration ; 3 ) depict the profile and strengths of support needed based on the profile. Although the above mentioned system has been acknowledged as a new subject for designation of ID in instruction system, there are still fluctuations in the accent and procedure of placing ID in educational scenes among states. Colmer, Maxwell and Miller ( 2006 ) remark that phenomena such as over-emphasis on IQ mark and concentrating on disablement are still prevailing in educational scenes where cognitive ability is frequently perceived as the base of person ‘s attainment. In Singapore, the guideline for designation of ID is mostly consistent with the diagnostic system of World Health Organization ( WHO ) ( NCSS, 2003 ) , where a formal appraisal of adaptative operation and IQ are necessary when finding the degree of restriction and support needed, with a prevailing inclination to adhere to the traditional categorization system, where the degree of disablement is associated with IQ tonss ( Ee, Tan A ; Lim, 2004 ) . Educational Placement of pupils with ID The arrangement of pupils with ID can be classified into three chief scenes ; viz. mainstream school, particular schools and exterior of the instruction system, i.e. , drop-outs ( Snell, Luckasson, Borthwick-Duffy A ; et Al, 2009 ) . Snell, Luckasson, Borthwick-Duffy and et Al, ( 2009 ) describe the national tendencies of arrangement for pupils with ID in the USA. Although inclusion pattern has been advocated in the last decennary of twentieth century in the USA, there are still about 50 % of pupils who are diagnosed with ID receive their instructions in separate scene such as particular schools. In add-on, a important proportion of pupils with ID leave school earlier. Cited in Snell, Luckasson, Borthwick-Duffy and et Al, ( 2009 ) , Polloway et Al. ( 2009 ) reported that in the USA, 28.6 % of pupils with rational disablements drop out form schools during the 2002-2003 school twelvemonth. Overall, the per centum of pupils with ID who are to the full included in mainstream schools is still comparatively low, accounted about 11 % in the USA ( Snell, Luckasson, Borthwick-Duffy A ; et Al, 2009 ) . In Singapore, kids with ID are placed in both particular and mainstream schools, depending on their abilities and demands. Typically, Children with profound disablements and require extended support are enrolled in particular schools, and kids with milder disablements can be found in all degrees of educational systems ( Lim A ; Nam, 2000 ) . The procedure of appraisal and designation of ID in educational scene is frequently motivated and guided by a primary end of enabling a sound educational arrangement. Traditionally, kids with rational disablements are normally enrolled in particular instruction schools ( MacMillan A ; Forness, 1998 ) . With the rise of inclusion motion, the educational arrangement of kids with ID varies among states. In Singapore, kids with rational disablements, including those at mild degree are by and large enrolled in particular schools, in which most of them continue and complete their instructions within the particular instruction system ( Ee, Tan A ; Lim, 2004 ) . Whilst in states such as the USA, where inclusion pattern has started for more than a decennary, more pupils with ID are analyzing in mainstream schools. Based on estimated prevalence rates, it is suspected a ample figure of kids with ID are enrolled in mainstream school ( Ee, Tan A ; lim, 2004 ) Screening of ID It is recognized that planning and intercession for individualised support for persons with ID are indispensable in the current epoch. In order to program and measure the effectual and rightness of the support service, valid showing and preliminary designation are necessary to ease a formal referral and appraisal, therefore support and intercession. Nevertheless, in contrast to the considerable understanding among professional pedagogues and clinicians as to which guidelines and processs to follow in naming rational disablement, there is no consensus on the formal processs to test ID ( MacMillan A ; Forness, 1998 ) . As cited in MacMillan and Forness ( 1998 ) , in the USA, most of the pupils with ID are foremost screened and referred by their instructors for formal designation of ID by mental wellness professionals. Similarly, in Singapore, no formal processs are available when come into the showing of ID. The informal showings of pupils with possible rational disablements are norma lly done by school instructors. In fact, the procedure of referral for a formal appraisal and diagnosing frequently starts with instructor ‘s observation on pupils ‘ clear and consistent underachievement in their academic work ( Ee, Tan A ; Lim, 2004 ) . In other word, due to missing of formal guidelines for testing procedure, instructors ‘ cognition and judgement on the pupils ‘ abilities play important functions in the referral and designation procedure. Teachers played a cardinal function in the designation of pupils with particular educational demands and in specifying the degree of support ( LOS ) they required for each pupil ( McKinnon A ; Cordon, 1998 ) The grounds are described as follow ; foremost, since instructors normally refer pupils after they realize that pupils ‘ public presentations are significantly below the norm. The ‘norm ‘ , i.e. , mean public presentation of the pupil ‘s immediate equals becomes the benchmark for instructors to do determinations for referral. In term, a underachieving pupils will be more likely referred for formal appraisal if he is in a category or school with high-achieving equals, and otherwise less likely to be referred if all his schoolmates are low-achieving. Second, the instructors ‘ relevant cognition on ID and particular demands is besides important in the procedure of testing without a formal showing tool ( MacMillan A ; Forness, 1998 ) . In such instance, who get referred varies from schoolroom to classroom as some instructors may hold higher tolerance working with academic-weak pupils, and others may hold small capableness in covering with those with trouble to maintain up with school course of study. The ‘teachers factors ‘ in the procedure of testing for ID and particular demands are even evidenced in X school, where most of pupils are academic under-achievers, with co morbid behavioural and emotional troubles. A determination for referral is frequently less distinct when there are multiple jobs are naming for attending. Therefore, a standardised showing tool may supply a common metric for instructors to establish on when placing pupils necessitating formal appraisal and particular demands. In line with current diagnostic system, a testing tool with focal point on both cognitive ability and adaptative behaviours is necessary when come to a determination for support and arrangement. Inclusion The term inclusion here refers to a pattern that pupils with disablements are integrated into general instruction schoolrooms ( Quah, 2004 ) . In inclusive instruction, persons with disablements study full-time in general instruction schoolrooms. However, necessary supports may be given during their procedure of survey in general instruction schoolrooms ( Quah, 2004 ) . Since the late twentieth century, inclusive instruction has become an international tendency and docket ( Ainscow, Booth A ; Dyson, 2006 ) . Policies and statute law have been passed in many parts of the universe to advance inclusion in instruction ( Booth, 1999 ; Bricker, 2000 ; Harris A ; Stephenson, 2003 ; Ainscow, Booth A ; Dyson, 2006 ) . In response to the displacement in statute law in particular instruction, ( grounds ofmore inclusion of ID in other states ) Inclusion of Down ‘s syndrome in mainstream school is widely accepted in England after more than 20 old ages of inclusion run ( Booth, 1996 ) . Snell, et Al ( 2009 ) more ID pupils are included in regular schools However, non in Singapore, As pointed out by Lim and Nam ( 2000 ) , in Singapore, a double instruction system providing to pupils with and without disablements is still runing. ( Due to miss of preparation for instructors ) Movement towards incorporating pupils with disablements, particularly those with moderate to terrible degree of disablements into regular schools remains slow. Teachers still refer their pupils with ID to particular schools Integrated instruction is an earlier version and refers to giving excess support to pupils with particular demands who are take parting in the mainstream course of study without major restructuring of content or bringing ( Booth, 1996 ) . . However, the tendency of inclusion has besides been accepted by society and school forces. Programs and services have been put frontward to ease the inclusion of pupils with physical disablements and autism ( Lim A ; Nam, 2000 ) . ( Add more from LIM and NAM ) Although inclusive instruction is accepted as an international tendency for persons with disablements, surveies have revealed assorted consequences of benefits and jobs. Harmonizing to Wong ( 2002 ) , research surveies on inclusive instruction by and large suggest an betterment in societal accomplishments and community integrating after arrangement in mainstream school. Whilst, there are besides concerns that inclusion was damaging to run intoing the demands of some pupils if the adaptation of course of study is non tally with their cognitive abilities. In his survey on parents ‘ perceptual experience on inclusion pattern in Hong Kong, Wong ( 2002 ) studies that pupils with disablements face enormous trouble in run intoing academic demands in school, which impose obstructions for their effectual acquisition. ( ? Benefit related to Severity of ID or degree of support needed ) Multi-cultural issues in showing and designation There is ever concern that cultural minorities are falsely identified as being rational disable. In order to turn to this concern, MacMillon et Al, ( 1996, as cited in MacMillon and Forness, ( 1998 ) ) investigate the presence of systemic differences among referred Caucasian, Hispanic and African American pupils in California. Their findings suggested that the Verbal and Performance IQ of Caucasic pupils are higher than African American pupils, taking to a plausible decision that schools are unwilling to mistake in mentioning minority pupils. History of instruction for kids with ID in Singapore Lack of preparation on particular instruction among instructors How to cite A Condition Previously Known As Mental Retardation Education Essay, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Ride The Lightning(1984) by Metallica free essay sample

Yes I decided I have to review at least one Metallica album at some point, so why not the best Metallica album? Ride the Lightning is a classic in heavy metal status also creating some innovation for them from Kill em All. Some of these innovations include more material from the band(not Dave Mustaine), and a ballad called Fade To Black which was written at a time of despair for the band because, and this is true, they lost all of their recording tools and instruments thus inspiring the track which is now a staple for them. While Metallica has set the groundwork for Thrash Metal from the beginning, it wasnt until this album, at least for me, that the bands legendary status solidified. The final track of the album, The Call of Ktulu, is especially great for me because the basically combined Lovecraft, Mustaine`s writing skills, and Beethoven to make the song lasting at about 9 minutes. We will write a custom essay sample on Ride The Lightning(1984) by Metallica or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This track also appeared on the S CD as well being one of the first tracks to begin the concert, and believe me, it sounds better with a professional symphony orchestra. A true classic in every sense of the word I give this an 8/10. This is the Grim Reaper, signing off.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Literacy Narrative free essay sample

Learning to read and write may seem to be easy now, however, everybody struggled at least once at some point in their life. My mom would get me books to read, but would never tell me bedtime stories, thus at night I would grab one of the books and slowly comprehend each word as I looked at the pictures. I would then try to draw the picture in the book and try to write the same words that were in the book. It looked all gibberish, nevertheless, it was worth the try. My mom would smile and say hat I did a good Job even when I knew I didnt, however, what surprised her the most was when I would actually read the books to her. I would then point at the picture and match the words with the picture. For example, if there was a monster in the book I would say monster and then point at in the picture. We will write a custom essay sample on Literacy Narrative or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Not only did she know that I could read some words, she knew I understood what those words meant. Now all I want to do is read on my own since when I was little I didnt get read to. I do not like to participate in group readings as it makes me feel less concentrated. Moreover, I also ended up falling asleep in class because I am not engaged in the reading as much if all Im doing is looking at words and listening to someone speak. When I read books, I like to become the character. I will make voices and sound effects if it talks about a door creaking or a loud bang. This makes each voice and sound effect come alive in my mind and pulls me into the book even more. I remember one day I started to get bored of books without pictures because those were the only books I read when I was little. Thats when I got introduced to mango. Mango are these books dad in Japan that you read backwards from the back of the book to the front. They have more pictures than words and it was like reading a TV show. Those books helped me learn some Japanese but it also created images in my head whenever I read a book without pictures. Thats when I started to appreciate books more. I have been reading mango books for years now and compared with reading other books, no other books grasp me like mango does. The texts are easy to read and the pictures bring the words to life. One day, my friend and I was assigned a writing assignment gather in 9th grade, and the teacher said it could be about anything. For this reason, we decided to make a mango together. I was the author and he was the illustrator. One big mistake we made was not telling each other what we wanted the mango to be about. That being the case, I was writing a drama story while he was drawing action pictures. We both did a lot of hard work, but even so, the story and pictures didnt match so we were abruptly upset. When it was time to turn our assignment in, we had to beg the teacher for more time and she gave us one more ay. We stayed up all night working on it and we finished. We got a 100! Anyway, the point of that story was literacy affects the way people think when they think about a story. Someone who reads action stories are going to most likely think about an action story they read when you ask them about books. Vice versa, someone who reads drama books will think about drama stories when you ask them about books. Childrens books, comic books, and mango have helped me learned to read better and to comprehend complicated stories Witt no pictures. When I read, I pretend TN the story is a comic book or mango in my head. If I ever had the time I would make a story I read into a comic book so its easier to read and that also helps me pass my tests easier by putting the images in my head that I have made when asked about the story. For people who say that comic books and mango arent books, you are wrong. They are wonderful books with amazing stories that have made me love reading more than any other type of books. Admittedly, they are the main reason why I still read today. Literacy narrative free essay sample Rough Journey My name is Junie B. Jones. The B stands for Beatrice. Except I dont like Beatrice I Just like B and thats all this was the first sentence read in Barbara Parks First Grader at Last Childrens Novel (pgl). My desire to read about this a non- fictional character increased with every book I opened about her crazy adventures. Junie played a huge part in my childhood imagination and memories with excitement from her books. My mom actively was a literacy sponsor; she provided me with my first book that contained chapters instead of the standard enlarged text, filled with asic words, and many colorful pictures to help comprehend. Literacy Sponsors play important roles they nurture the first memory of peoples reading and writing skills and shape the writer people are and still are becoming, what shock I would learn that my mother would be that person too. We will write a custom essay sample on Literacy narrative or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In Superman and Me Alexie expresses My father loved books, and since I loved my father with an aching devotion, I decided to love books as well (pg363) this quote comes across my perception towards my mother who I would observe she had a burning passion to read and whenever given he opportunity she grabbed it. She would take us to the library and we check out books, she even helps me get a library card as motivation. The excitement of checking out any book I desired with no limit was a perk to owning a library card. The car drive home with the street light we passed I would read what I could fit in till we got home. Two days maximum it would take me to read the whole book and Id be back to bugging my mom to take me back. Soon as an incentive to always be good, she told me she would buy Junie B. Jones books and the books came raining in. Fortunately or my mother introduced me to novel books and constantly led me into choosing to read. Without her taking me to the library and giving me the resources to practice my reading, I would have not exceeded the expectation in the standardized test and reading scores we took. Id like to think because I read constantly when I was younger it set me up for success in English class, my grades were always As with exception of one Bs out of my English career. In Sponsors of literacy Brandt states sponsors seem a fitting term for the fgure who turned up most typically in peoples memories f literacy learning(335) reflects back to my mother and the shadow she has cast in my literacy, she has been my best friend and at times my worst enemy. She has provided me with the fundamentals in reading. Family is the first people youVe known your whole life and they act as a sponsor with providing you that ride to the library, that library card or first novel. Over the years I missed the simplicity and clarity of the novels I had read growing up. Every year that passed the readings increased and became more challenging than before. The hardest time of my ophomore year was P-AP English, the work was tough and the way she graded didnt help. She Just introduced us to Romeo and Juliet the Famous Love story between two stars crossed lovers. I am a hopeless romantic but when we had to read on our own I found it difficult to understand what they said between them, but after butchering it up it was clear. A lot of poems were required mostly 3 times a week and ranged on my poems, (which wasnt so easy). Compare to basic writing assignments I did a B average. From then on I enjoyed writing poems for pleasure and would carry a ournal filled with random thoughts and poems. Shortly after I moved schools and I came across my Junior teacher Mr. Favorrato, who Judged me because I moved from a pretty wealthy district to the poorest in San Antonio. Its when I truly found the battle to be a better writer, I found all the work he required hard and time consuming and refused to do it because I was afraid to fail. Gradually I couldnt stand failing so I kept up with his demands and it was a struggled to find my way into short answers, thesis, and evidenced text. It made me relate to Anne Lamott when she expressed we all ften feel like we are pulling teeth(301) I never could make it perfect like two of the other girls hed compared us about. He would even put you on the spot and make you feel less superior to him. Which I as a person now suffer from people looking at my work for fear that it will never be good enough. I even have a panic attack if anybody reads or looks over my work in front of me for the fact that it wont meet the expectations. Besides destroying my utterly little confidence I had, word had soon spread that I was pregnant and it was the end of Junior year and I passed with a B. He discouraged me from being in AP class especially English. I was incapable of taking care of my baby and do my AP homework, but told me not to give up in school. Instead of being broken down I used the rage and enrolled into 3 AP classes and even took Pre-Cal in the summer so I could be place in the Calculus class. Senior year rolled around and my English teacher did nothing but encourage me in my writing, I had consistent As in English and average Bs in my other AP classes. I finished my classes and did more than fine; I used my teachers discouragement and found omething eternal to help my writing. From the years, my writing has improved a lot and in a way I had Mr. Faworato to thank for the motivation for discouraging me. I got a little scholarship from one of my writings. I used writing my writing in history class and it really help apply for the free response questions we did. Since my younger years , from receiving my first book, to loving to write poems and growing strength in writing but not Just in English also in history. I have been blessed with sponsors who either supported me 100% or gave little hope towards my successes. Both gave me initiative to get better and have helped shape my writing and reading today. Reflecting on literacy experiences is important because every writer has to know where they start and use the strongest and weakest times in there literacy history to improve as a writer. Its how you use their actions towards your literacy history that will open many possibilities. Brandt, Deborah. Sponsors of literacy. College composition and communication 49. 2 (1998):165-85. Rpt in writing about writing. Ed. Elizabeth Wardle and Doug downs. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2011. 331-52. Print Alexie, Sherman. The Joy of Reading and Writing: Superman and Me The most Wonderful Books: Writers on the discovering the pleasure of reading. Minneapolis: Milkweed editions,1997. 3-6. Rpt in writing about writing. Ed. Elizabeth Wardle and Doug Downs. Boston:Bedford/ St. Mastins,2011. 331-52. Print Lamott, Anne. Shitty First Drafts Bird by Bird: Some instructions on Writing and life. New York: Anchor, 1994. 21-27. rpt. writing about writing. Ed. Elizabeth Wardle and Doug Downs. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2011. 331-52. print Park , Barbara. First Grader at Last . Rpt. Random house childrens book. 2002

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Precis on My First Conk Essays

Precis on My First Conk Essays Precis on My First Conk Essay Precis on My First Conk Essay Precis on My First Conk BY br09329 11/22/13 AP Comp Precis Type: Process My First Conk In My First Conk (1964), Malcolm X reflects back upon receiving a conk and elaborates on how degrading it was to him and many other African-Americans to lose their identity. He reinforces his point that African-Americans lost their individuality by getting a conk by providing an anecdote from his life (This was my first really big step toward self degradation. ) and then by giving examples of the other African- Americans who received conks ( the one youll see on the heads of the black so- called middle class ). He employs these strategies in order to convince African- Americans to remain proud of who they are and fght for their individuality. Malcolm X addresses the African-American public with this piece, especially those who are not satisfied with themselves, and does so in a shameful tone. X, Malcolm. My First Conk. Patterns for College Writing: A Rhetorical Reader and Guide. 10th ed. Laurie G. Kirszner and Stephen R. Mandell. New York: Bedford, 2007. 285-287. How to Escape from a Bad Date In How to Escape from a Bad Date (2002), Joshua Piven provides a step-by- step list of instructions of how to escape from an awkward situation on a date. Piven makes his point on how to avoid a bad date by giving a list of instructions with subtitles and a numbered list, while also giving many examples for each situation. He expounds upon these instructions in order to assist men or women taking part in a bad date, and to help get them out of it. Piven addresses all men and women who experience a bad date, and does so in a humorous tone. Borgenicht, David, Joshua Piven and Jennifer Worick. How to Escape from a Bad Date. Patterns for College Writing: A Rhetorical Reader and Guide. 10th ed. Laurie G. Kirszner and Stephen R. Mandell. New York: Bedford, 2007. 297-302.

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Service You Can Count On for Academic Success

The Service You Can Count On for Academic Success If someone attempted to discover a way in which to connect even the most varying cultures from around the globe, then it would be music. This subject, by its description, is a kind of art which arranges sounds in a particular way and serves as a technique of artistic recognition. What is a music essay? Most probably, you’re not aware of what this is. If you are a student taking a musical course, you know that other than passion and creativity, mastering this subject requires a lot of hard work and diligence. While gaining the practical know-how is significant, studying theory is no less critical because it will give you an improved comprehension of the subject’s elements, types, forms, performing means, genres and kinds, etc. Practicing this subject alone could take so much of your everyday time, and the need to craft such essays and study them could take up so much of your time and make your work even harder. If deciding on topic ideas for your content and making time to craft them is such a struggle, then it is about time that you get help from an expert writing service. A simple search online will refer you to multiple companies. Most of them will promise to handle any kind of paper and meet your deadlines. However, you need to be wary before selecting just any service. Our company is the most convenient and qualified service to handle your essays. We will guarantee to deliver a top-notch quality paper at an affordable rate. So, reach out to us if you need assistance. Also, if you need guidelines on how to write a music essay step by step, you will find them right here. The Ultimate Guide on How to Write a Music Essay It is compulsory to craft essays in school, whether at the high school, college, or university level. While it may sound straightforward, it is not necessarily the easiest job. Most people think that it only involves sitting in front of your laptop and getting down to typing. However, there are more complexities to the process. If you’ve never crafted essays before, or you’re struggling with creating a music essay and want to improve your skills, then you should go through our guide on how to write a good music essay. It is a detailed description that shows you how you should choose the type of paper to handle, brainstorm the topic, conduct research, come up with a thesis, outline the paper, write it, and finally edit the content to ensure that grammar and spelling are correct. The Guidelines on How to Start a Music Essay We understand that you have no idea how to begin a music essay, which is why we are here to assist you. First, you need to select the type of paper that you want to handle. Is it narrative, descriptive, expository, or persuasive? This will make it easier for you to select the topic and structure your paper in the best way possible. Next, you need to brainstorm. You cannot craft a paper if you don’t have an idea of what you want to talk about. Here, come up with a suitable topic for your paper. There are very many topic ideas that you can choose from. Your topic should neither be too narrow nor too broad, and it should be something that you’re passionate about. Next, research the topic. You can interview people, go to the library, surf the internet, etc. to come up with relevant information on your topic. Next, come up with a thesis. The key point of your paper is your thesis statement. It will describe what your paper is about. Also, make sure to outline your paper. What is it that you want to write about? This will help you ensure that the paper is well organized, logical, and it flows properly. Next, you can write your paper. Make sure that you follow the correct structure of a music essay. Come up with a catchy introduction, which should be followed by the main body which contains various sections of analysis and finally, the conclusion, which will round up your reflections. Finally, proofread and edit the document for grammar and spelling mistakes. Professional Tips for Writing a Music Essay If you’ve decided that you will be writing a music essay by yourself, make use of our brief yet incredibly effective and valuable tips that will help you along the way: Stop wasting too much time going through so many samples online since not all of them can be counted on. One sample is enough to guide you because there is no one-size-fits-all technique to handle your assignment. Focus on doing more for your topic and making the most out of the information you find. Make sure that you get personal and general at the same time. When writing the paper, you can’t avoid discussing information in general terms, which can be boring. You can make this part short and quickly head to the part where you demonstrate how the general information has directly impacted your life. You can expound more on general information by getting more specific. Use basic language. While using the most difficult terms will make you look like Einstein, you need to be coherent and ensure that the terms that you use can be understood. However, make use of different words that have identical meaning rather than repeating similar words over and over. Also, check your content for any logical inconsistencies and grammar mistakes. Go over your paper several times. Take a break to ensure that you’re fresh enough to polish it to perfection. Order from Us Today for an Impressive Paper from an Expert Writer We completely understand if going through all the guidelines on how to make a music essay wasn’t enough motivation for you to create your paper. You can still get help from us with crafting your assignment. Leave your paper to a professional writer from our team who knows exactly what he/she is doing. Order today for a quality paper.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Analysis of MyPerfectWedding.com Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Analysis of MyPerfectWedding.com - Case Study Example For 18 months of website existence, the project has not been successful as it failed to generate revenue and it still requires investment. Probably, Jessica could quit this idea and focus on her main job. However, if she really wants to have the additional source of revenue with minimum involvement in future she needs to work hard now in order to develop a sustainable business. If she were to move forward, what strategy would you recommend? First, Jessica needs to develop a business plan. Even though it is mentioned in the case study that she is not a planner but a doer, she will hardly succeed in the future without having clearly identified goals, objectives, set of activities, financial and marketing plan. Secondly, there are two different areas, on which Jessica needs to focus on: (1) website users; and (2) local suppliers and other companies. Both these categories of customers are essential for Jessica’s business as they are closely interrelated to each other. Website user s will generate activity on the website and this will make it attractive for advertising purposes. Therefore, Jessica needs to develop a more comprehensive marketing communication plan aiming to meet the needs and expectations of both groups of customers. Jessica needs to reconsider its marketing mix strategy, focusing mainly on pricing and promotion strategies. Below are given some brief recommendations regarding these strategies. Pricing strategies Users of the website are charged $20 a year for a membership fee.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Why is promotion decision making so difficult Essay

Why is promotion decision making so difficult - Essay Example Among the most important considerations when deciding who to promote into a position is which candidate possesses the highest level of hard skills to do the job. It usually does not make much sense to promote someone into a finance management position who does not have a background in finance. This is often the first step in identifying qualified candidates, and usually comes as part of the resume review and screening process. The hiring manager must assess the educational and professional experience of the candidates to help determine who would likely be capable of doing the work that would be required. That being said, there are times when all of the other qualities of a prospective candidate are so strong that a decision might be made to promote that person even though he/she lacks the requisite level of hard skills to do the job effectively. However, this will only be the case when a persons ability and willingness to learn the requisite skills is evident. That may mean choosing someone with a background of high educational achievement who displays a propensity to engage in professional development activities. Another important characteristic to consider when deciding whom to promote is leadership ability. ... All of these responsibilities require effective leadership. When assessing a person's leadership potential, a hiring manager should inquire into the candidates' experiences that may have evidenced leadership qualities. Behavioral based interviewing can be an effective tool in this regard. Using this method, the hiring manager will ask the candidates to recall a particular event in their personal or professional experience in which they actually demonstrated the desired characteristic. This requires the interviewee to demonstrate a sharp mind in quickly recalling an appropriate event. It also precludes the candidate from talking hypothetically about what they would do in a given scenario. Rather, they are required to explain what they actually have done in a scenario. The theory is that past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior. For example, the hiring manager might ask the candidates to recall a time when they had to delegate responsibility in order to achieve an objective. Or she might ask them to recall a time when they had to influence others to behave in a way that helped them to achieve their goals. Either of these questions would elicit valuable information about whether and how the candidates have demonstrated an ability to lead. This information can then be added to the overall formula in determining which candidate has the greatest preponderance of desirable characteristics for the position. Personality Personality fit is a huge consideration for any hiring decision, particularly when deciding whom to promote. This is also arguably one of the most difficult factors to evaluate in prospective candidates. To be sure, people generally act somewhat different in an interview than they would in a

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Organizational Behavior Concepts Essay Example for Free

Organizational Behavior Concepts Essay Every organization has its own unique behaviors, attributes, traits and values that define the organization’s methodology of forming amicable relationships by accomplishing human, social and organizational goals. Organizational studies are the research and application of human behavior within an organization as individuals and as a member of a team. Some of the basic organizational concepts are motivation, group behavior, decision making, corporate culture, structure, power and politics, communication, human resources practices and change management. These organizational concepts have to be studied in order to judge the failure or the success of an organization; especially, how well these concepts are dealt with by the employees or management. Motivation is the driving force of the organization towards its goals; group behavior refers to the team work within the organization and the relationship of employees with one another; decision making is the selection of an option from various alternatives using cognitive abilities; corporate culture is the reflection of the organization’s core values, missions, goals, traditions and beliefs based on which the organizational practices take place; structure is the basis for the organization’s operational activities, that is, the organization’s arrangement and formation or even hierarchies; power and politics refer to the authority, external control and influence; communication is extent to which the ideas are shared within an organization; human resources practices refers to the structure, tasks, importance and rights of the employees of the organization; and change management refers to the extent to which the organization is molding itself for success in accorda nce with the external stimuli. The Walt Disney Company was founded in 1923 by Walt and Roy Disney. Since then, Walt Disney Company along with its affiliated companies have been faithfully serving their fans by producing unique and remarkable entertainment with quality and creativity oozing from its content and exceptional stories. The Walt Disney Company is the biggest international media enterprise with four divisions; media networks, parks and resorts, studio entertainment and consumer products. Examples of these divisions include, Hanna Montana, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Mickey Mouse, Disneyland Park, Disney Line Cruise, Interactive Studios, www. disneyshopping. com, Disney Channel and ABC entertainment. Almost every organization has one uniform behavior that needs to be implemented for the foundation building of the organization – corporate culture. Corporate culture is a set of core values, beliefs, traditions, operational styles, work ethics, employee behavior and basic business principles on which the business is based. All the activities and procedures taking place in the organizations are a reflection of the organization’s corporate culture (Moir, 2008). Only if an employee is able to adapt to the corporate culture can he work in accordance to the requirements of the organization; in fact, the corporate culture is a guideline for them. There are two types of cultures – adaptive and unadaptive. Adaptive cultures are suitable for ever-changing environments where strategies and structures might be needed to change due to changing external stimuli such as markets, legal-political, international pressures, economical conditions, social fulfillments or simply customers, competitors and suppliers (Fuentes-Garcia et al. , 2008). Adaptive cultures are further divided into visible and invisible cultures. Some parts of the culture are visible, such as slogans, symbols, artifacts, dress, and office layout and even ceremonies – things that an outsider can observe and use for judging the organization’s culture. The other division is the invisible culture which includes the beliefs and values that are embedded within the system and employees’ heads; this part of the culture helps them take decisions based on the organization’s culture. On the other hand, unadaptive cultures are ones in which change is rarely brought about and also with great difficulty due to the rigidity of the organization’s practices and traditions. This unadaptive culture is usually an unhealthy one which is further divided into cultures that are hierarchy and politics based, that show resistance to change, those that do not like opening up to the external environment and are inwardly attentive, and lastly are unethical and driven by illegal factors such as greed. Such culturally structured businesses usually do not have a high quality performance and do not facilitate strategy execution. However, even if the culture is adaptive, once an organization’s corporate culture is established, it is difficult to bring about changes in it. This is because everything in the organization is developed and designed in accordance with the culture; bringing a major change in every petty thing is a very costly act. Corporate culture and strategy come together as a ‘culture-strategy fit’ – the tighter this bond is, the more the culture helps in designing the strategy execution by directing and leading the behavior and practices of the employee into the success direction. Therefore, multinational corporations should formulate a culture that fits within all countries so that its strategy execution is possible all around the globe (World News Connection, 2008). Like every other organization, Disney also uses its corporate culture to formulate strategies. The core values of Disney are quality, innovation, decency, and employee justice. Since the day the company started operating, it has focused excellence, class, value, and worthy production. All the stories, animations and entertainment resorts etc by The Walt Disney Company are of eminence and unparalleled. Innovation is the most important characteristic of this company; no customer or viewer is interested in watching things that have been shown earlier on television – they demand for something new and unique every time. This need is fulfilled by Disney at all costs, as it is one of their competitive advantages – creativity! This pool of new ideas every time is the reason for the success of the company and the reason for its growth by the day. Disney also focuses on ‘family’ entertainment; thus, it tries to ensure decency so that people of all ages can enjoy a certain clipping together. In a corporate environment when there are hierarchies involved, employees at a higher level tend to use their authority on those under their control. This tends to irritate employees and reduce their job satisfaction which directly affects their productivity and commitment to the company. Therefore, The Walt Disney Company makes it a point to give equal treatment to all employees; in fact, give them importance as they would to a guest. This helps to build cordial relations among the employees and management, causing the sharing of ideas to take place. It creates a comfort level causing the employees to enjoy participation. Naturally, this involvement increases their loyalty to their company and shoots their productivity. Cultural diversity is also a major constituent of Disney’s culture – this is evident even in their products. There is not just Disney World and Disneyland anymore, there is Tokyo Disneyland Resort and Hong Kong Disney Land – people from various cultures and nationalities can enjoy the magic of Disney closer to their homes. Motivation is normally defined as a force that drives a person towards a goal. In the world of business, motivation is to drive the employee towards enhanced productivity by exploiting the abilities to the maximum potential, by improving the job performance. It becomes self-explanatory that it is the job of the manager to monitor and control the human resource available by motivating the employee and instilling in them a positive attitude towards the tasks assigned to them. This helps in accomplishing the tasks that would not be fulfilled otherwise (Nohria et al. , 2008). Therefore, it is crucial for a manager to understand different theories and various techniques of motivation. Motivation is a state of mind – different people get motivated by various different things. However, there are certain fixed factors that motivate a person by nature. These factors include money, prosperity, popularity, success, higher knowledge and happiness (Campbell, 2002). A successful manager would target employees in groups depending upon the factor that influences them. Also, a person should try to self-evaluate oneself in order to learn what influences them or what drives them towards their maximum potential. For example, an extremely poor clerk with a big family to provide for is well aware of the fact that a greater wage would motivate him towards doing whatever is expected of him. When provided with incentives, the behaviour or attitude of the employee towards the task changes and he becomes more involved and devoted to it. In order to receive the reward that is set for him, he tends to give top priority to the work assigned and finish is as soon as possible. Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (1943) from a business point of view portrays physiological needs (salary, ambience), safety needs (pensions, insurance, medical care), belongingness needs (social gatherings, relationship with co-workers), self-esteem (job title, post, authority) and self-actualization (opportunities to display skills, development opportunities) ranking from one (most important) to five (least important) respectively. The Walt Disney Company has a clear knowledge of all this incentives and motivational tactics; thus, it chose to give importance to its employees as a boost to their confidence. The rise in self-respect and prestige that they received by requesting for their ideas to be shared for the betterment of the company motivated them to work. However, there was a time earlier on when there were rigid hierarchies at Disney. But now, the company has a culture of teamwork – they believe that every employee is capable enough to give his or her suggestion for the company. Their structure reduced rigid hierarchies and an authoritarian style of management. In fact, people maintained friendly relations and held an open forum for discussion of various issues. Even Disney believes in giving small rewards to its workers to give them an incentive to work harder for success. Disney even has sessions and seminars for instilling the corporate culture into the employees and motivating them to raise productivity bars. At the Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida, out of the 180 recognition awards, one is called the Fred Award; it was named after an employee but also is an acronym for friendly, resourceful, enthusiastic and dependable. Other awards generating from this Fred award are Spirit of Fred Award and even The Lifetime Fred Award, which is a bronze statuette of Mickey Mouse (Disney Magic, 2008). This, along with other extremely coveted awards, is a driving force or incentive for the employees to work more proficiently so that they can receive this award. The world is progressing in every aspect of life. There is intense development and urbanization taking place. Day after day, as population increases, demand for goods and services also increases; this creates a need for more companies and more employment. Almost everyday we hear names of new companies who have recently joined the market competition. As more and more companies are emerging, there is naturally a greater supply of similar goods in the market; some of these goods are better than the other which increases the standard of competition. Competition is not only restricted to your local market; with increasing globalization, the entire international forum is becoming your playing field. Competition is becoming so intense by the minute that no company can afford to slack off for even a day; every company needs to be operating at its maximum level to make its place into the market. The secret to a successful organization is its management – if there is a smooth managerial supervision with each department working efficiently and effectively, the company is guaranteed to succeed. Even if a company has the best of employees and human resource available, unless and until everything is well-structured and well organized, the company cannot reach successful heights. As the world around us advances, we need to keep in pace with them and cope up. At times to bring about a positive change in an organization, there is a need for restructuring, switching to more innovative methods of production, technological advancement and even use of research and development. This organizational behavior concept is called ‘change management’ – it is the shift of organizations, teams, or even individuals from the existing stage to a preferred stage in the future (Burge, 2008). Disney started off with marvelous creative ideas and kept working with them. They earned a big share of the TV audience and earned great revenue; for this reason, they were extremely satisfied with what they were doing. However, due to a shift in the environment, suppliers, customers and competitors, the strategic context of Disney had changed a bit. This alteration of the strategic context was not working out; there was a 13% decline of the ABC network ratings among 18-49 years aged people. This was the time when it was obvious that the company had stopped growing – children of age 9-10 were not interested in Disney characters that came from history or myths and had shifted to contemporary cartoon characters made by Nickelodeon. There was structural and cultural, both, resistance to change at Disney and there was a severe need to eradicate this. Disney depended on its old way due to the extreme interdependence of the organization’s structures, schemes and procedures. Disney had a very smooth corporate culture which is also mentioned earlier; this same culture led to great success. But at the same time, it brings a halt to the improvement; that is, organizations become content and do not strive for more. According to Fortune, 1999, this resistance to change caused great difficulty for Disney. However, Disney has currently regained its success by working on change and a more flexible culture and structure – realizing where they went wrong, what the customers want, and then bringing that change in the organization accordingly. Each organization might have one or two important behaviors, but usually practice all of the above mentioned organizational behavior concepts. The driving force for the employees at Disney is respect, prestige and accolades; corporate culture includes quality, innovation, decency, and justice with employees; lastly, on realizing that sales and market share were falling, change management was adopted. Therefore, it is easy to conclude that although like every other organization, even Disney follows all these organizational behavior concepts, but motivation, change management and corporate culture have been mostly evidently seen since the past. It is very important for us to study these organizational behavior concepts in-depth as they help us in understanding the needs of the people and the organization itself.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Lord of the Flies :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The difference in the way humans perceive things is apart of mankind. Golding believes evil is an inborn characteristic. Are people born evil or is it just human nature to do â€Å"wrong† or â€Å"bad† things simply to survive? Golding’s pessimism about human nature would suggest people are all naturally evil in one way or another. When innocent boys are set on an island without any adult supervision, are they going to do the â€Å"good† or the â€Å"bad† things? There actions simply are neither good nor evil; their actions are for survival in an unknown place.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Humans are always, by natural instinct, going to do what they think is best for them. Ralph attacked his own kind for survival. People will do anything to survive, even if it’s the bad things. The boys on the island later began to resemble the behavior of animals. The boys mistake Simon for their beast and result in brutally killing him. The boys had the instinct of killing anything in sight that looked or seemed like the beast.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Instincts are not about being good or bad because the issue of being good or bad is undefined. Whether an action is either good nor bad, it all depends on the person and how the person is acting. If you think you’re doing something that you’re used to doing and thinking it’s right, but on the other hand a person who doesn’t know you may say that you’re ding something evil. The opinions on which people think things are good or evil depends on both sides. In Lord of the Flies, there is a situation with Piggy’s glasses, which is the key item for building the fire. His glasses were stolen in the night, which leads to a brawl within the kids because their Piggy’s only seeing ability.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Society sets a mold for the â€Å"good† and â€Å"bad† conditions that humans are learning from day to day. The role of society in being good or evil is that it acts as the guideline for that long-lived dream of acceptance. It’s where evil is what will make you repulsive. Jack manipulates the boys into joining his tribe and sets up his territory on the island. He threatens people to join his tribe, and hunts those who refuse. A society could not exist where people are brought u to know what they define as right or wrong. On the island, the civilized rules of having water, shelter, and food are not followed.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Case Study: King of the Hill Essay

1) What leadership traits account for Denny Hill’s success? Denny is using the perfect traits of a teacher keeping the swim team interested so they do not lose focus in the meeting or the workouts. Denny also shows his team confidence, in himself as well as in his team. Due to this Denny has the faith of his team behind him and their truest in his abilities. 2) How would you describe Denny Hill’s leadership abilities? I believe Denny developed leadership abilities through hard work and practice, because the first year swim team did not do so good. Denny learned from his mistakes and took various steps to make himself a better leader. He also encouraged his swim team members to pick up leadership roles. 3) Leadership includes administrative skills, interpersonal skills, and conceptual skills. How does Denny Hill stack up on these skills? As a teacher Denny is well versed in administrative skills as he has to see to grades, progress reports, and even evaluating student progress on a daily basis. Denny’s interpersonal skills get tested on a daily basis with peer and student interaction. Denny has conceptual skills in that what he did for the swim team the previous year did not work. He had to re-evaluate the situation and come up with another workable plan for the swimmers. Denny is doing a good job utilizing these skills and taking the swim team in the right direction. 4) How does Denny Hill integrate task and relationship behaviors in his leadership? Denny does have task behaviors in his leadership as he has planning to do for the swim team which include team meetings. There is also relationship behaviors included in his leadership when he assigns the students to become a part of the leadership team. 5) From a relational perspective, how would you describe Denny Hill’s leadership? Denny Hill’s leadership is interactive where the swim team has the ability to share leadership roles, authority, and influence. 6) In what way does Denny Hill’s coaching exemplify leadership as an influence process? Denny utilized his influence on the swim team so they can reach common goals. Denny wants a winning swim team and the swimmers want to win, as well as, want to make their leader proud. Reference Northouse, P. (2015). Introduction to leadership: Concepts and practice (Third ed.). Los Angeles: Sage.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Business Cross Cultures Essay

The above article is about a western suburb of Sydney, called Greenacre. The article, aptly named â€Å"What happened to the suburb I used to know† is a reflection and analysis of the past and current status of the suburb and how, over time it has changed from what was described as a â€Å"home† to â€Å"a minefield, or a battlefield, or a refuge of drug dealers, criminals, drive-by shooters and terror† (Roberts, 2013). This report will discuss and explore a number of theoretical principles and topics of cross-cultural management in the everyday life of Australian’s living in this suburb, through such theories and topics as Oberg’s six-month cycle of culture shock, Cultural dimensions- Ethnocentrism/stereotyping/parochialism, Hofstede’s value dimensions theory, as well as Harris’s and Moran’s cultural profiles. Oberg’s six-month cycle of culture shock Oberg’s theory identifies 4 major stages of cultural shock and explains the â€Å"typical† transition process for a foreigner adjusting to a new county/culture. Below is a list of the stages and a brief description for each- 1. Honeymoon- minor problems will be over looked, with the excitement and anticipation of learning new things. This phase can last from a few days, up to a month. 2. Crisis/hostility- the new environment begins to seem less idealistic and can therefore lead to focusing upon the negative aspects of the host country. This period is characterised by frustration, and confusion and typically lasts up to two/three months. 3. Adjustment/humour- a respect, understanding and a further adjustment to the local culture occurs, and with this a change in attitude toward the new environment- occurs around the four/five month mark. 4. Mastery/honour- acceptance of the new culture, a sense of eagerness to help other integrate and even absorbs the habits of the new society which in turn makes him feel secure and develops a sense of dual cultural identity (biculturalism)- occurs in the 6-12 month time frame. The article focuses on the perspective of the writer and his experiences, however it does explore some of the above stages. In particular, it is apparent in Roberts recount of his memories of his parents, in the way that they stereotyped the foreigners to be â€Å"wogs, unless they were Asian†¦ which were dirty† (Roberts, 2013). This stereotype has evidently been infused in the culture and attitude towards the â€Å"foreigners† and due to this it appears that the people seem to be stuck in the crisis/hostility stage of Oberg’s culture shock. Roberts recounts that they were just told this hostility was â€Å"multiculturalism (and this) was the justification of all things hard to accept† (Roberts, 2013). Furthermore, they were told that this was just â€Å"†¦part and parcel of the greater good, of the New Australia, of the emergence of alternative cultures – it’s just a settling-in process† (Roberts, 2013)- potentially moving toward the adjustment period. However, this was over 50 years ago and it appears not a lot has changed with this â€Å"drive-by shooting† culture, which seemingly still has a firm grasp on the suburb, with â€Å"local residents living in permanent fear of reprisals† (Roberts, 2013). Cultural dimensions/effects Culture is made up of a number of dimensions and each has its effect on the culture as a whole. Below is a list of dimensions that collectively make up a culture- – Religion – Languages – Education – Economic system – Norms – Values – Social stratification The prominent religion in Greenacre is Islam, with 38.9% of the surveyed population identifying that as their religion. Furthermore, 73.6% of the population was born overseas and 42.2% of the population speaks Arabic as their first language (statistics gathered from Census 2011). These statistics are indicative of the overall population within Greenacre and as a result of this, the impending culture that was formed because of it- â€Å"little Lebanon, with all the worst features from a failed country to a new one† (Roberts, 2013). Religion is such a fundamental part of these peoples lives, and ultimately underlies both their moral and ethical norms and in turn has a dramatic affect on how their overall culture is formed. In Greenacre, 36.1% of people were attending an educational institution. Of these, 27.6% were in primary school, 23.6% in secondary school and 18.8% in a tertiary or technical institution. Evidently, from these statistics there isn’t a huge amount of the population continuing onto further education after high school. This may be a contributing factor to the increased crime rates, as this age group turn to alternative methods of income and ways of applying themselves (not necessarily in a positive manner). It is evident through the above statistics and the article, that the overseas culture has imbedded itself within the suburb and as a result, so too has ethnocentrism. Ethnocentrism is an attitude whereby doing things ‘their way’ is the only way, no matter the situation. Unfortunately, this subculture that has subsequently developed within Greenacre, has become somewhat of a dominant part of the overall culture and has more than likely prevented the progression/transition through Oberg’s cycle of cultural shock. Although it is very apparent that ethnocentrism is rife within Greenacre, so too is parochialism. Parochialism is where people from the host nation (in this case Australia), expect people from another country to fall into the same patterns and behaviours as them- which isn’t plausible, at least not fully. Because of this, it proves difficult for a subculture/society, such as that in Greenacre, to become apart of the greater culture of Australia and can be unfairly stereotyped. Stereotyping, particularly in a social context, is unfortunately inevitable. Hofstede’s value dimensions theory/ Harris and Moran’s cultural profiles Furthermore, Hofstede’s value dimensions theory discusses- in this case, a high-level of- uncertainty avoidance and the extent in which the feel threatened by ambiguous situations. Although this isn’t highly prevalent in Australia, it is however relevant to this situation, as there are signs of high levels of violence and misconduct (in the eyes of the law). This demographic of people also has a high level of collectivism, as they have heavy focus on family/ religion (nepotism) and also high external locus of control. They also tend to have more of a masculine skew to their culture, with â€Å"assertiveness, materialism and a lack of concern for other† (Christopher and Dersky, 2012). Recommendations Due to the situation exponentially becoming worse, it is recommended that the local and state governments provide a number of induction/education seminars on Australian culture, to aid in the transition into Australian life. Another recommendation would be to provide information days (in the local area and at high schools) for universities/TAFEs to encourage high school students to further their education- resulting in them applying themselves in a positive fashion, rather than turning to violence due to lack of mental stimulation, which will then lead to gainful employment. This would not only assist immigrants in the gradual transition into the local culture, but also would facilitate their acceptance within the greater community and encourage the youth further their education and community involvement. By proactively aiding in this transition and encouraging the youth to further educate themselves, it may reduce the amount of conflict between cultures and also hasten the â€Å"cycle of culture shock†, described by Oberg- ultimately resulting in a happier community. And not resulting like it did for Peter Roberts, having to move â€Å"to a safe haven on the north side- looking back not in anger, but disbelief† (Roberts, 2013). Conclusion This article depicts how cultures can often not mix well together and furthermore how if it isn’t managed efficiently and effectively it can lead to devastating consequences. Although this is an extreme case, with shootings, rapes and general discriminative behaviour, it shows that if the transition isn’t properly managed how far it can go wrong. Through the explanation, analysis and use of theoretical principles and relevant cross cultural management topics, it is clear that people can make a relatively smooth transition into a new culture and society, if it is managed efficiently and effectively. This would occur not only in the situation that has been exemplified in the article, but also in a within a business context- where it is markedly more important.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Turkhill Stud Mill Example

The Turkhill Stud Mill Example The Turkhill Stud Mill – Case Study Example The Turk hill Stud Mill Although purchasing is a small act of sourcing for products that a company needs to manufacture, sometimes companies end up incurring massive losses in their purchases. Turk hill is one such an organization. Every financial year, the company makes losses of about $100,000 from overpayment for logs and delivery of shorter logs (Sower, 2010). It is possible for Turk Hill Company to fix the problem at hand. According to Turk Hill Company, the only option available to them is spreading every log and having it measured and inspected before accepting it from the loggers. This process is time consuming and can encourage Turks suppliers to shift their supplies to other millers. Therefore, any decision should have the customer in mind. A commitment to appoint individuals to work at the premises of loggers and inspect the logs before loading in the trucks would help a lot. The inspectors will recommend a shipment to Turk Hill and accept responsibility for it. Additional ly, it is easier to count logs in the process of loading instead of counting them when in the lorry. The driver of the lorry will travel with the delivery records to Turks premises confirmed by the employee of Turk at the logger’s premises. A second person offloading the truck at Turks will approve the amount and the quality of the logs. The adoption of the new system will take place if the project proves feasible. It will only be feasible if the amount used to pay extra workers is less compared to the yearly losses Turk Hill incurs on related spending. Should this process be unviable, the Turk Hill Company can try sourcing for a device that will sort the logs into different sizes and allow measurement upon delivery.ReferenceSower, V. E. (2010).Essentials of Quality with Cases and Experiential Exercises. New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

10 Fleshy Words

10 Fleshy Words 10 Fleshy Words 10 Fleshy Words By Maeve Maddox Latin words meaning flesh and fleshly (carnis, carnalis), have given English several words, some of which refer to human flesh and some to the flesh of animals. 1. carnage noun: a heap of dead bodies, especially of men killed in battle. The Anglo-Saxon poem â€Å"The Battle of Maldon† describes the carnage that ensues when the local militia confronts Viking raiders. The fates of several Anglo-Saxon warriors are depicted- notably that of Earl Byrhtnoth: he dies valiantly, urging his soldiers forward and commending his soul to God. Carnage is also used in a non-military context to describe the bloody aftermath of any killing event: Firefighters have described the carnage and confusion they found when they arrived on the scene of the Paddington rail crash in which 31 people died. 2. carnal adjective: pertaining to the body. In Medieval Latin, a frater carnalis was a biological brother. In modern usage, carnal refers to the sensual or sexual aspects of the body. The noun is carnality and the adverb is carnally. Detectives  charged  the 27-year-old with felony  carnal knowledge  of a juvenile. In religious thought, carnal is the opposite of spiritual. A carnal mind is not necessarily a sinful mind. However, all sin is carnal. A carnal mind is simply a mind that is governed entirely by the senses. 3. carnation adjective: a light rosy pink; noun: a flower, scientific name Dianthus, which may be shades of pink or red. The plural carnations is used as an art term: â€Å"those parts in a painting that represent the naked skin.† Vecelli observed that a colorist ought to manipulate white, black and red, and that the carnations cannot be done in a first painting, but by replicating various tints and mingling the colors. 4. carnelian noun: a flesh-colored, deep red, or reddish-white variety of chalcedony; adjective: of the color of a carnelian. My stepmother was, if rather richly, always plainly dressed, in the sober Quaker mode; almost  her  only ornament was a large  carnelian brooch, set in flowered flat gold. 5. carnival noun: originally, the medieval religious celebration preceding Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. The word derives from a phrase meaning â€Å"the putting away of flesh.† In modern usage, a carnival is any season of feasting, revelry, or indulgence. In North American English, a carnival is a fun fair with rides and entertainment booths. 6. carnivore noun: (Latin carnivorus, â€Å"flesh-eating†) A carnivore is an animal that eats only meat. People whose diet includes meat are often jokingly referred to as carnivores, in contrast to vegans and vegetarians. My husband and children are carnivores, and yes, I do prepare their food for them. 7. carnivorous adjective: (Latin carni, â€Å"flesh† + vorus, â€Å"devouring†) The accent is on the second syllable. Since neither humans nor chimpanzees are truly carnivorous- most traditional human societies eat a diet made up mostly of plant foods- we are considered omnivores. Note: An omnivore feeds on a diet of both plant and animal origin. 8. charnel house noun: (Old French charnel) a house for dead bodies; a house or vault in which the bones of the dead are piled up. Recently in the Orkney Isles in Scotland, a charnel house has revealed more than 1,000 human bones. 9. incarnation noun: the action of incarnating; the fact of being incarnated or â€Å"made flesh† The  Incarnation  in traditional Christianity is the belief that the second person of the Trinity, also known as God the Son or the Logos (Word), â€Å"became flesh† by being conceived in the womb of Mary. 10. incarnate adjective: clothed or invested with flesh; embodied in flesh; in a human (or animal) bodily form. Until the latter half of the T’ang dynasty, some emperors had even claimed to be the  Buddha incarnate. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Compared "to" or Compared "with"?Work of Art Titles30 Nautical Expressions

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Is the Criminal Justice System Fair and Functional Essay

Is the Criminal Justice System Fair and Functional - Essay Example For any act to be considered a crime, its actus reus must be shown. Actus reus can be in any of the following forms: â€Å"An act, or a failure to act (an omission), or a state of affairs† (Challenge College 2013, p. 2). In the first form above, an act, it must be shown that an act committed violates the law and if this cannot be shown then there cannot be any liability. For instance, in the crime of murder the actus reus is the unlawful killing of a person. Another way of assigning liability is through showing that an undesirable or otherwise incident took place because of a failure to act. The case of Pittwood (1902) bests illustrates how a failure to act may result in criminal liability (Challenge College 2013, p. 8). Lastly, crime liability can be proved through showing the state of affairs. Proof of a state of affairs that is declared wrong is enough to assign crime liability. Mens Rea This is another condition which has to be proven for a person to be considered liable f or a crime committed. Mens rea is considered to be a state of mind in which a person is fully aware of the consequences of his actions thus the doer is assumed to have an intention of the end result of whatever he or she does. There are two ways in which mens rea is assessed in England and Wales – subjectivism and objectivism. ... On the other hand, objectivism is thought to be too broad because it fails to consider defendants with lower than average IQ, that is, those who lack the capacity to reason as an average person would (Furey 2010, p. 1). An illustration of mens rea application can be seen in the case of R v Molony (1985) AC 905 whereby the defendant shot his step father dead but was acquitted of murder charges and instead charged with manslaughter. The intention to shoot was found not to be connected to killing (e-Law Resources 2013). Question 2: The Criminal Justice System Its function The criminal justice system is meant to ensure that every person under the law has access to justice. Having access to justice means being punished for wrongs accomplished, giving protection to those who are innocent and making it possible for those convicted of wrongs to stop offending. The system aims at â€Å"delivering an efficient, effective, accountable and fair justice process for the public† (Garside 201 3, p. 1). It is further noted that the system must sieve among potential, alleged and actual criminal activities and ensure that treatment adjudicated on persons is rightful. Its Working The criminal justice system is composed of many agencies which work in unity to ensure that justice is availed to all. The agencies involved in this system include â€Å"the Crown Prosecution Service, the police, the courts and the National Offender Management Service† (Criminal Justice System 2013, p. 1). The three government departments which oversee the criminal justice system are â€Å"the Ministry of Justice, the Home office and the Attorney General’s Office† (Criminal Justice System 2013, p. 1). The Ministry of