Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis of Platos the Allegory of the Cave

Eden Scharer Darrin Broadway English III-4 5th December, 2010 From Darkness to Sunlight: An Analysis of the Allegory of the Cave Imagine yourself sitting inside a dark, damp, cave where the only thing you can see are moving shadows on the cave wall in front of you. You can’t move anywhere or see anything besides the shadows, and these are the only things you’ve seen for your entire life, so these moving dark images are the most real things you’ve ever known. At some point in our childhood we were mentally in this state of darkness, we didn’t know anything about the world or have any complex thoughts. How then, were we brought out of our caves of darkness and misunderstanding? The Allegory of the Cave is a well known section of Plato’s†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"†¦human beings living in a underground cave, which has a mouth open towards the light and reaching all along the cave; here they have been from their childhood, and have their legs and necks chained so that they cannot move, and can only see before them, being prevented by the chains from turning round their heads. Above and behind them a fire is blazing at a distance, and between the fire and the prisoners there is a raised way; and you will see, if you look, a low wall built along the way, like the screen which marionette players have in front of them, over which they show the puppets.† (Plato) This entire passage is a dialogue between Socrates and Glaucon. Glaucon was the older brother of Plato, and Socrates was the teacher of Plato and Glaucon at his academy. This is a conversation that is fictional but the fact that it is a conversation between a teacher and his student shows that the teacher is trying to tell his student an analogous tale to teach him a lesson and that is the purpose behind the way the paragraph is written, but the exact lesson being taught by Socrates isn’t revealed until later in the passage. This is also the reason the diction in these paragraphs is so formal, because the teacher is giving a formal lesson and at the same time trying to spea k in terms his student will understand, and to engage thought in the mind of his student because he isShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Imperialism In George Orwells Shooting An Elephant1633 Words   |  7 Pagesclaim and experiences are very relatable today because as long as there are fathers and mothers and families, there are going to be those that re-live the past and create memories that last their families a lifetime, or perhaps even longer.    Process Analysis: Joan Didion, On Keeping a Notebook   Ã‚  Ã‚   In the selection On Keeping a Notebook, Joan Didion uses her experiences in day to day life as a writer in order to demonstrate the importance/methods of keeping a daily notebook. Didion appeals to her audience

Monday, December 16, 2019

A Condition Previously Known As Mental Retardation Education Essay Free Essays

Introduction Intellectual disablement ( ID ) , a status antecedently known as mental deceleration, is defined as a disablement characterized by important restrictions both in rational operation and in adaptative behaviour as expressed in conceptual, societal, and practical adaptive accomplishments and that the footing for the disablement has been present prior to age 18 ( AAIDD, 2002 ) . This status affects about 1 % of population ( Bello, Goharpey, Crewther A ; Crewther, 2008 ) , and has historically been defined as an intelligence quotient ( IQ ) mark of less than 70 ( Schalock A ; Luckasson, 2004 ) . In recent decennaries, the definition of ID has been revised, which now includes both a step of rational operation and an indicant of persons ‘ adaptative behaviour in their environment. We will write a custom essay sample on A Condition Previously Known As Mental Retardation Education Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Intelligence refers to individual ‘s overall mental ability or his/her capacity to ground, program, work out jobs, comprehend complex thoughts, and learn ( AAIDD, 2010 ) . The appraisal of rational operation is typically achieved through disposal of intelligence quotient ( IQ ) trial. Most IQ trials are structured in the manner that a mark of 100 is considered mean, with a standard divergence of 15 ( Hourcade, 2002 ) . In agreement to American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities ( AAIDD ) guideline, an rational degree that is considered to be within the scope of rational disablement if it is two or more standard divergences ( SDs ) below the mean ( AAIDD, 2002 ) . In other word, a degree of 70 IQ points or lower will be the cut-off point for ID when utilizing an IQ trial with a mean of 100 and a standard divergence ( SD ) of 15, which account for the lowest hiting 2 % of the normal population ( Flynn, 2000 ) . Adaptive behaviour refers to the aggregations of conceptual, societal, and practical accomplishments that people learn and perform in their mundane lives ( AAIDD, 2002 ) . Similar to the appraisal of rational operation, adaptative behaviour are assessed with instruments which requires detecting the person in state of affairss where these accomplishments are required, or questioning those who know the single well ( Hourcade, 2002 ) . In AAIDD web site, important restrictions in adaptative behaviour are operationally defined as public presentation that is at least two standard divergences below the mean of either ( a ) one of the undermentioned three types of adaptative behaviour: conceptual, societal, or practical, or ( B ) an overall mark on a standardised step of conceptual, societal, and practical accomplishments. In general, persons with ID possess some common features. Typically, persons with ID will larn and develop more easy than a typical individual because of their cognitive restrictions. More frequently, they present with specific it cognitive shortages such as damage in memory, attending, or comprehension of linguistic communication, which frequently result in their lupus erythematosus efficient larning abilities ( Hourcade, 2002 ; Van der Molen, Van Luit, Jongmans, A ; Van der Molen, 2007 ) . To certain extend, their slower processing, restricted memory or attending can besides associate to their lack in ego control and ordinance, ensuing in feelings that they are more inactive or disengaged from activity ( Linn, Goodman, A ; Lender, 2000 ) or and more distractible or unprompted than others ( Goodman A ; Linn, 2003 ) . Therefore, persons with ID frequently require different signifiers and grade of support in the procedure of larning and development. Identification/Diagnosis of ID The standards used for designation and diagnosing of ID have evolved from a long manner. Schalock and Luckasson ( 2004 ) sum up four attacks that have been used to place individuals with ID historically. In the early twenty-four hours, ID was ab initio identifies non establishing on rigorous standards, but on persons ‘ inability to accommodate to their societal environments. The rise of medical theoretical account nevertheless has changed the attack of placing ID. In term, the base of designation was shifted to the individual ‘s symptoms complex and clinical syndromes, with the focal point on the functions of physical causes and heredity. Later, with the rise of psychometric trials, the standard for designation and diagnosing of ID was once more shifted to individual ‘s rational operation. In term, steps obtained from IQ trials are used as ways to specify and sort persons with ID and their badness of ID. The concluding displacement in the standard was to an attack t hey named as ‘dual-criterion ‘ , where both cognitive operation and adaptative behaviours were included as standards of specifying ID. The dual-criterion attack was foremost introduced by AAIDD ( was so named as AAMR American Association on Mental Retardation ) in 1956 and has been adopted by other diagnostic systems such as the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health ( ICF ; World Health Organization ( WHO ) , 2001 ) , the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 4th ed. , text rpm ( DSM-IV-TR ; American Psychiatric Association, 2000 ) , and the other clinical guidelines used for prevailing definitions of rational disablements such as the International Classification of Diseases, and Related Health Problems 10th alteration ( ICD-10 ; WHO, 1992 ) ( Schalock A ; Luckasson, 2004 ) . The current dual-criterion attack of the categorization system besides present a paradigm displacement in the research and instruction pattern, where rational disablement is no longer be viewed as person-centered shortage, i.e. , feature of the persons. Rather, rational disablement is contextually determined and with appropriate supports, life operation of persons with rational disablement may better ( Schalock A ; Luckasson, 2004 ) . With that, the current AAIDD categorization system emphasizes the importance of contextual support and intercession to turn toing restrictions in the countries of rational and adaptative operation. The AAIDD categorization system is one of the most widely used diagnostic systems in the field of research and instruction designation ( Schalock A ; Luckasson, 2004 ) . The working definition of ID proposed by AAIDD composes of three key constituents which are besides normally acknowledged by DSM IV-TR and ICF ; 1 ) an IQ mark of less than 70 ; 2 ) an important shortage in adaptative map and 3 ) the oncoming of disablement prior to 18 old ages of age. Within this system, the three required steps for a diagnosing of ID include an IQ trials, adaptative behaviour graduated tables, and documented age of oncoming. Designation of ID in clinical scenes The term designation here refers to the procedure of appraisal and diagnosing which a formal diagnosing of ID can be arrived if standards are met. As mentioned above, internationally, clinical definitions of ID are normally based on established psychiatric diagnostic systems such as ICD-10, ICF and DSM-IV-TR. As noted by Salvador-Carulla and Bertelli ( 2008 ) , there is small variableness in the standards of the different psychiatric diagnostic systems. Besides turn toing on the age oncoming of the disablement, all these systems portion a common attack, Internet Explorer, the appraisal of the individual should be taken as a whole within the context of the individual ‘s rational capacities and adaptative operation in his environment. Nevertheless, minor differences are still present within some standard among the different diagnostic systems ( Salvador-Carulla A ; Bertelli, 2008 ) . For case, the cut-off point of the IQ degree ( AAMR: 70-75 ; DSM-IV-TR: 70 ; ICD-10: 69 ) that c lassify persons as holding marginal rational disablement varies among the three major diagnostic systems. Furthermore, the definition of adaptative accomplishments differs among these systems ( Colmar, Maxwell A ; Miller, 2006 ) . Designation of ID in educational scenes The designation of pupils with rational disablement within educational puting evolves parallelly with the alterations in the clinical diagnostic systems of this disablement ( Smith, 1997 ) . Internationally, this revised definition of ID by AAIDD has influenced the development of new categorization system in educational scene. In term, the categorization of ID has moved from a simplistic IQ-based categorization system to a more holistic attack, where a three-step attack is normally accepted as the criterion of categorization ID and explicating support. Ee, Tan and Lim ( 2004 ) sum up the stairss as follow ; 1 ) a formal appraisal of IQ and adaptative map ; 2 ) an analysis of persons in the four dimensions of rational operation and adaptative accomplishments, psychosocial and emotional consideration, physical wellness and etiology, and environmental consideration ; 3 ) depict the profile and strengths of support needed based on the profile. Although the above mentioned system has been acknowledged as a new subject for designation of ID in instruction system, there are still fluctuations in the accent and procedure of placing ID in educational scenes among states. Colmer, Maxwell and Miller ( 2006 ) remark that phenomena such as over-emphasis on IQ mark and concentrating on disablement are still prevailing in educational scenes where cognitive ability is frequently perceived as the base of person ‘s attainment. In Singapore, the guideline for designation of ID is mostly consistent with the diagnostic system of World Health Organization ( WHO ) ( NCSS, 2003 ) , where a formal appraisal of adaptative operation and IQ are necessary when finding the degree of restriction and support needed, with a prevailing inclination to adhere to the traditional categorization system, where the degree of disablement is associated with IQ tonss ( Ee, Tan A ; Lim, 2004 ) . Educational Placement of pupils with ID The arrangement of pupils with ID can be classified into three chief scenes ; viz. mainstream school, particular schools and exterior of the instruction system, i.e. , drop-outs ( Snell, Luckasson, Borthwick-Duffy A ; et Al, 2009 ) . Snell, Luckasson, Borthwick-Duffy and et Al, ( 2009 ) describe the national tendencies of arrangement for pupils with ID in the USA. Although inclusion pattern has been advocated in the last decennary of twentieth century in the USA, there are still about 50 % of pupils who are diagnosed with ID receive their instructions in separate scene such as particular schools. In add-on, a important proportion of pupils with ID leave school earlier. Cited in Snell, Luckasson, Borthwick-Duffy and et Al, ( 2009 ) , Polloway et Al. ( 2009 ) reported that in the USA, 28.6 % of pupils with rational disablements drop out form schools during the 2002-2003 school twelvemonth. Overall, the per centum of pupils with ID who are to the full included in mainstream schools is still comparatively low, accounted about 11 % in the USA ( Snell, Luckasson, Borthwick-Duffy A ; et Al, 2009 ) . In Singapore, kids with ID are placed in both particular and mainstream schools, depending on their abilities and demands. Typically, Children with profound disablements and require extended support are enrolled in particular schools, and kids with milder disablements can be found in all degrees of educational systems ( Lim A ; Nam, 2000 ) . The procedure of appraisal and designation of ID in educational scene is frequently motivated and guided by a primary end of enabling a sound educational arrangement. Traditionally, kids with rational disablements are normally enrolled in particular instruction schools ( MacMillan A ; Forness, 1998 ) . With the rise of inclusion motion, the educational arrangement of kids with ID varies among states. In Singapore, kids with rational disablements, including those at mild degree are by and large enrolled in particular schools, in which most of them continue and complete their instructions within the particular instruction system ( Ee, Tan A ; Lim, 2004 ) . Whilst in states such as the USA, where inclusion pattern has started for more than a decennary, more pupils with ID are analyzing in mainstream schools. Based on estimated prevalence rates, it is suspected a ample figure of kids with ID are enrolled in mainstream school ( Ee, Tan A ; lim, 2004 ) Screening of ID It is recognized that planning and intercession for individualised support for persons with ID are indispensable in the current epoch. In order to program and measure the effectual and rightness of the support service, valid showing and preliminary designation are necessary to ease a formal referral and appraisal, therefore support and intercession. Nevertheless, in contrast to the considerable understanding among professional pedagogues and clinicians as to which guidelines and processs to follow in naming rational disablement, there is no consensus on the formal processs to test ID ( MacMillan A ; Forness, 1998 ) . As cited in MacMillan and Forness ( 1998 ) , in the USA, most of the pupils with ID are foremost screened and referred by their instructors for formal designation of ID by mental wellness professionals. Similarly, in Singapore, no formal processs are available when come into the showing of ID. The informal showings of pupils with possible rational disablements are norma lly done by school instructors. In fact, the procedure of referral for a formal appraisal and diagnosing frequently starts with instructor ‘s observation on pupils ‘ clear and consistent underachievement in their academic work ( Ee, Tan A ; Lim, 2004 ) . In other word, due to missing of formal guidelines for testing procedure, instructors ‘ cognition and judgement on the pupils ‘ abilities play important functions in the referral and designation procedure. Teachers played a cardinal function in the designation of pupils with particular educational demands and in specifying the degree of support ( LOS ) they required for each pupil ( McKinnon A ; Cordon, 1998 ) The grounds are described as follow ; foremost, since instructors normally refer pupils after they realize that pupils ‘ public presentations are significantly below the norm. The ‘norm ‘ , i.e. , mean public presentation of the pupil ‘s immediate equals becomes the benchmark for instructors to do determinations for referral. In term, a underachieving pupils will be more likely referred for formal appraisal if he is in a category or school with high-achieving equals, and otherwise less likely to be referred if all his schoolmates are low-achieving. Second, the instructors ‘ relevant cognition on ID and particular demands is besides important in the procedure of testing without a formal showing tool ( MacMillan A ; Forness, 1998 ) . In such instance, who get referred varies from schoolroom to classroom as some instructors may hold higher tolerance working with academic-weak pupils, and others may hold small capableness in covering with those with trouble to maintain up with school course of study. The ‘teachers factors ‘ in the procedure of testing for ID and particular demands are even evidenced in X school, where most of pupils are academic under-achievers, with co morbid behavioural and emotional troubles. A determination for referral is frequently less distinct when there are multiple jobs are naming for attending. Therefore, a standardised showing tool may supply a common metric for instructors to establish on when placing pupils necessitating formal appraisal and particular demands. In line with current diagnostic system, a testing tool with focal point on both cognitive ability and adaptative behaviours is necessary when come to a determination for support and arrangement. Inclusion The term inclusion here refers to a pattern that pupils with disablements are integrated into general instruction schoolrooms ( Quah, 2004 ) . In inclusive instruction, persons with disablements study full-time in general instruction schoolrooms. However, necessary supports may be given during their procedure of survey in general instruction schoolrooms ( Quah, 2004 ) . Since the late twentieth century, inclusive instruction has become an international tendency and docket ( Ainscow, Booth A ; Dyson, 2006 ) . Policies and statute law have been passed in many parts of the universe to advance inclusion in instruction ( Booth, 1999 ; Bricker, 2000 ; Harris A ; Stephenson, 2003 ; Ainscow, Booth A ; Dyson, 2006 ) . In response to the displacement in statute law in particular instruction, ( grounds ofmore inclusion of ID in other states ) Inclusion of Down ‘s syndrome in mainstream school is widely accepted in England after more than 20 old ages of inclusion run ( Booth, 1996 ) . Snell, et Al ( 2009 ) more ID pupils are included in regular schools However, non in Singapore, As pointed out by Lim and Nam ( 2000 ) , in Singapore, a double instruction system providing to pupils with and without disablements is still runing. ( Due to miss of preparation for instructors ) Movement towards incorporating pupils with disablements, particularly those with moderate to terrible degree of disablements into regular schools remains slow. Teachers still refer their pupils with ID to particular schools Integrated instruction is an earlier version and refers to giving excess support to pupils with particular demands who are take parting in the mainstream course of study without major restructuring of content or bringing ( Booth, 1996 ) . . However, the tendency of inclusion has besides been accepted by society and school forces. Programs and services have been put frontward to ease the inclusion of pupils with physical disablements and autism ( Lim A ; Nam, 2000 ) . ( Add more from LIM and NAM ) Although inclusive instruction is accepted as an international tendency for persons with disablements, surveies have revealed assorted consequences of benefits and jobs. Harmonizing to Wong ( 2002 ) , research surveies on inclusive instruction by and large suggest an betterment in societal accomplishments and community integrating after arrangement in mainstream school. Whilst, there are besides concerns that inclusion was damaging to run intoing the demands of some pupils if the adaptation of course of study is non tally with their cognitive abilities. In his survey on parents ‘ perceptual experience on inclusion pattern in Hong Kong, Wong ( 2002 ) studies that pupils with disablements face enormous trouble in run intoing academic demands in school, which impose obstructions for their effectual acquisition. ( ? Benefit related to Severity of ID or degree of support needed ) Multi-cultural issues in showing and designation There is ever concern that cultural minorities are falsely identified as being rational disable. In order to turn to this concern, MacMillon et Al, ( 1996, as cited in MacMillon and Forness, ( 1998 ) ) investigate the presence of systemic differences among referred Caucasian, Hispanic and African American pupils in California. Their findings suggested that the Verbal and Performance IQ of Caucasic pupils are higher than African American pupils, taking to a plausible decision that schools are unwilling to mistake in mentioning minority pupils. History of instruction for kids with ID in Singapore Lack of preparation on particular instruction among instructors How to cite A Condition Previously Known As Mental Retardation Education Essay, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Ride The Lightning(1984) by Metallica free essay sample

Yes I decided I have to review at least one Metallica album at some point, so why not the best Metallica album? Ride the Lightning is a classic in heavy metal status also creating some innovation for them from Kill em All. Some of these innovations include more material from the band(not Dave Mustaine), and a ballad called Fade To Black which was written at a time of despair for the band because, and this is true, they lost all of their recording tools and instruments thus inspiring the track which is now a staple for them. While Metallica has set the groundwork for Thrash Metal from the beginning, it wasnt until this album, at least for me, that the bands legendary status solidified. The final track of the album, The Call of Ktulu, is especially great for me because the basically combined Lovecraft, Mustaine`s writing skills, and Beethoven to make the song lasting at about 9 minutes. We will write a custom essay sample on Ride The Lightning(1984) by Metallica or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This track also appeared on the S CD as well being one of the first tracks to begin the concert, and believe me, it sounds better with a professional symphony orchestra. A true classic in every sense of the word I give this an 8/10. This is the Grim Reaper, signing off.