Monday, February 17, 2020

32. Describe the impact of race and gender on police officer Assignment

32. Describe the impact of race and gender on police officer careers.Sport - Assignment Example Therefore, men are generally more suitable for such jobs as compared to women as men are stronger physically and generally more balanced emotionally than women. â€Å"[G]ender is a highly relevant factor in examining the sources and coping strategies of stress among police officers† (He, Zhao, and Ren, 2005, p. 537). The race and gender of a police officer may provide the offenders with basis to exploit the police officer. Many people file discrimination suits against the police officers because of their gender or race. The Ohio Civil Rights Commission found that most men frequently used race as a reason to file discrimination suits against the police officers whereas women used gender for the same purpose (Gaines and Kappeler, 2011, p. 95). For example, a group of White American police officers accusing an African American of robbery may be interpreted as racism against the African American. Likewise, since there is always a variation in the representation of the police officers belonging to different races, there is risk of racism in the police department like in any other

Monday, February 3, 2020

King, Martin Luther. Letter from Birmingham Jail Essay

King, Martin Luther. Letter from Birmingham Jail - Essay Example Dr. King responded to the charges against his being an â€Å"outsider†, and of the methods he brought from outside by clearly stating that he served as the president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), an organization that operates in all the states of the South. This was the argument that Dr. King used to state that he was not in any way an outsider in the issues that affects a state in the South. Dr. King said that he was called upon by the local affiliate of SCLC in Birmingham to engage in a nonviolent direct action program and so he was not in any way an outsider as he had organizational ties in Birmingham. He also believed that the methods that they claim he brought from outside are the only things that could deal with the problems of racial injustice and segregation as the other methods are rather too lame in solving these problems (King). Luther King was an African-American activist from Atlanta and he was accused of being an ‘outside agitatorà ¢â‚¬â„¢ when he went to Birmingham. King responded by stating that, he cannot sit idly in Atlanta and turn a deaf ear or blind eye to the racial injustice in Birmingham. He said he is quite aware of the connection that exists amongst all communities and states.